Tuesday, July 03, 2012
What Does Your Favorite Genre Say About You?
By OFW editor: Renée Miller
Published: May 28, 2012

Do you love a good romance? Perhaps you’re a sci-fi geek. No? Historical? You know, the genre you prefer to read often reflects your personality. Oh nothing as deep as your punctuation choices, but definitely a few surface traits, both good and bad. The good news is, just because you like this or that, doesn’t mean you need to limit yourself to one genre or one author. Branch out a little, bring out some traits you didn't know you had.

1. All Bestsellers, All the Time
You’re a trendy sort. In terms of clothes, gadgets and such, you like to keep up on what’s popular, what’s hot and what’s not. Sure, you might not be a slave to trends, but if the masses are raving about it, you must know why. You aren’t crazy about taking chances, wasting time, energy or money on potential shit. And I get you. I do. But now and then, you need to pry your eyes from the bestseller list and creep around the nobody shelf. There’s a little more to choose from there. Also, there’s a bit more originality.
2. Biography and Memoir
While you love a good story, you like to learn at the same time. You’re curious about what makes others tick and you love to peek into their lives. Peering into the lives of others is a guilty pleasure, and not one to be ashamed of necessarily. It’s just that it may make you a tad on the gossipy side. As long as you get your facts straight, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of gossip. Just keep it straight, okay? You are the kind of person that enjoys facts, information and game shows, but you know that look your friends get when you’re sharing said facts? That kind of glazed over, zombie gaze they get? Yeah, they’re not so into that shit. I know it’s tough when all of that knowledge you’ve accumulated goes to waste, but give them a break now and then, and maybe try reading historical fiction or fantasy. It’ll take your real life knowledge and turn it inside out. Trust me, it’s a good experience.  
3. Literary Classics
You may be a bit of a book snob. You like serious prose, deep themes and meaningful plots. You probably reread books you’ve read a million times because you know today’s writers just aren’t sewn from the same cloth as the greats. But tell me, when was the last time you read a book just for fun? It doesn’t kill brain cells to indulge in a bit of genre fiction. In fact, you might learn a thing or two. Writers get better with every century. In refusing to look beyond the dead ones, you’re missing out on fabulous authors who are alive here and now. Also, with your nose up like that? We can see your boogers. Just saying. Ease yourself out of the classics now and then by picking up a memoir, perhaps some fantasy.
4. Fantasy
A dreamer. Aren’t you sweet. You love to escape into magical worlds that are far removed from your reality. You’re an optimist most likely, or perhaps a really crappy pessimist. You see the world a little differently than others, not through rose-colored glasses necessarily, but you are open to the possibilities of something more than “us.” Now and then you should come back down to Earth though. The neighbors are talking. They’ve got straightjackets. You’d enjoy a good historical novel, or perhaps some paranormal romance, bring you back to semi-solid ground now and then.
5. Historical
You enjoy being entertained, and escaping into another world, but you also need a little bit of realism with your stories. Historical fiction or nonfiction fits that bill. You may tread on the romantic side of things just a little as well. If time travel were possible, I bet you have a specific period you’d choose to visit in a heartbeat. You’d like to think you’re a natural leader, but…yeah. No. If you like the gritty details of historical fiction, pick up a horror novel from time to time, perhaps a bestseller.
6. Horror
You, my friend, enjoy pushing the boundaries. You like to explore the dark side and enjoy tasting a bit of the fringes of society, personalities, morality and possibilities. You enjoy feeling scared because it reminds you that you are alive. While you may not take risks in your personal life, your mind is open when the opportunity arises. Occasionally horror lovers are a tad on the creepy side of weird. Just try to keep some of those thoughts to yourself, eh? Mainstream society does not think Dexter Morgan is cool. And a taming Jason would be a horrible idea. But I agree that the possibility is intriguing. Just don’t tell anyone I said that. It’s not healthy to be in the dark all the time. Try a mystery or a gritty historical. You’ll find plenty of darkness there, and maybe it’ll lighten your ick factor.
7. Mystery
You’re curious and detail oriented. You love to solve problems, even if you’re not so shit-hot at seeing results. You might also be an adrenalin junkie, addicted to the intensity of certain situations. You probably lean one of two ways in this regard: adventurer or paranoid freak. Adventure is fine, it keeps the blood pumping. But if you see schemes and plots everywhere you look, you might want to check yourself into some type of mental institution before you turn your mother in for a crime nobody committed. By the way, if you like mystery, step outside your box and read a little science fiction. Puzzles and details galore in that genre.
8. Romance
You’re one of two personalities: a hopeless romantic or a hopeful romantic. What’s the difference? The first is out of touch with reality, and quite frankly, annoying as shit. The second is just like most people if they’re honest. You want love, you hope for love, and you read romance novels to convince yourself it’s possible. Perhaps you’ve already found it, and you are simply enjoying the escape. You get angry either way when people rag on romance novels, and you’ve got good reason. You know, as any romance reader knows, that romance authors excel at one thing that other authors seem pretty hit and miss at: giving the reader what she wants. How you like them apples? Yeah, I’m not really an apple girl myself, but it’s how the saying goes. Anyway, you might do well to pick up a fantasy novel, perhaps even a historical or a mystery. There’s the same intensity in those genres that romance tends to breed, and you don’t have to hide the cover from the people on the bus.
9. Science Fiction
You are open minded and curious. You like to look at problems from all angles. In fact, you tend to look at life that way too. If it’s not black and white, you must find out why and how that is possible. Sometimes you can be a bit on the arrogant side, not because you think you’re all that, but because you’re just so persistent in hammering away at shit until you get to the truth. You’re not opposed to theories or ideas that are different than your own, and you might be a smidge on the unconventional side. Another genre you might enjoy is mystery, perhaps a bit of dark fantasy. Trust me on this one. You won’t get hard facts, but the twisted plots and scheming are a good match for your analytical mind.
10. Multi-genre
You crave escape, but also knowledge. Your need to explore the possibilities in life is at war with your desire to just forget it for a while. You read anything and everything, hoping to find those books that transport you to a different time, place or reality. It’s not that you want to forget life here with the Normals, but they make you feel a bit smothered. I’m with you, friend. Normals are quite suffocating with their “reality” and whatnot. You are a true lover of the craft and you are the reason every author keeps trying despite the constant rejection and grueling reviews.

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Maril Swan  
Monday, 28 May 2012 08:12 AM  

I really enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek tone of this piece. It also had a certain ring of truth to it, albeit like reading the character traits of astrological zodiac signs. A fun read. Thanks. BTW, my reading choice is multi-genre, in which I would assume most writers would also be situated.


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Renee Miller  
Monday, 28 May 2012 10:40 AM

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was definitely going for a horoscope feel. And, I agree that a smart writer reads whatever she can get her hot little hands on.


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Anonymous Guest  
Wednesday, 30 May 2012 06:15 AM

I loved this and it fit so well.  I'm a multi-reader and writer.  I like many genre's to read and write.  It makes it hard sometimes but I agree with you assessment of me.


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