Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Rules of Writing-Parts of Speech-Adjective 1
Published: September 23, 2012

What’s an adjective?

Adjectives are descriptive words that qualify, show, or point out distinguishing marks or features of the noun. Grammarians also consider articles or Determiners (the, a, an) to be adjectives. In this section, we have listed them as a separate part of speech.

Playful, old, dark, greasy, seven, and bile-colored are adjectives.

How do adjectives work?

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying them.

His large and brave piranha swam away.

Where we learn features or virtues about his piranha.

Her brown and frizzy hair hid her ears.

Though her color is consistent, here we learn her hair is in a mess.

The playful cat climbed the tree.

Now we know Puss is inclined to do tricks.

Daisy painted her kitchen walls with bile-colored paint.

Besides Daisy’s arguable tastes in color, we discover that “kitchen,” a solid noun, can metamorphose into an adjective to qualify “walls.”

The pizza parlor is dated, dark, and greasy.

Another example of how a substantive (pizza) can be an adjective to describe the parlor.

An old music box sat on the pine bough.

And another  ubstantive (pine), to drive the nail home.

Writer’s CompanionRenee Miller & Carlos Cortes

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