Wednesday, October 02, 2013
Angela Rega
By OFW Editor: Michael Keyton
Published: June 01, 2013

Accomplishment: Angie’s short stories have appeared or are forthcoming in publications including The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror, PS Publishing, Ticonderoga Publications, Fablecroft Press, Cabinet Des Fees and Little Fox Press. She is a lover of folklore, fairy tales and furry creatures and works as a Teacher Librarian. She is a graduate of the Clarion South workshop and is currently studying for her Masters Degree in Creative Writing. She drinks way too much coffee and can’t imagine not writing.

Which fictional character would you like to have a close relationship with?

Mmmm...I had to think hard about that one because I am a bit of a book slut and there are many characters I fall in love with...if I could narrow it down to two characters they would be Fortunata, the twelfth dancing princess as depicted in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing The Cherry and Toru from Murakami’s Norwegian Wood.

Which four literary characters would you like to invite to dinner, and why?

Two of the four would have to include my favourites – Fortunata so that after dinner, she could teach us all to dance, Toru to share a bottle of red with, Tita, from Like Water for Chocolate, only if she does the cooking, and Scheherazade to keep us entertained with stories into the wee hours of the morning.

Which author makes you jealous and why?

I would have to say Catherynne Valente for her lush language, poetic prose and her story cycle series, The Orphan’s Tales. Reading her prose is such a sensory and pleasurable experience – kind of like eating a box of dark chocolate all to yourself.

Are there any other genres you enjoy other than speculative fiction?

I love magical realism, historical fiction. YA and children’s, mysteries, crime, creative non-fiction, biographies and history books…I love it all. Told you I was a story slut!

What are you currently reading?

I tend to read several things at once. I’m currently reading The Facetious Nights of Straparola, a story cycle written by Gianfrancesco Straparola in the style of The Decameron. It was first written in Italian between 1550 – 53 and Dodo Press has published a 1901 English translation of the text. I’m also reading Isabel Allende’s Eva Luna – again!

Will we still be reading fairy tales in a hundred years time?

Absolutely! We have been readers of fairy tales in the 1550s (Straparola, as an example) and will be reading them in a hundred years time. Fairy tales and retellings of fairy tales dig deep into the soil of experiential archetypes. They resonate with meaning.

Which four books do you wish you had written?

What a difficult question. Everything I’ve loved I wish I’d written, but to narrow it down to four...

Tanglewreck Jeanette Winterson
Possession A S Byatt
The House of the Spirits – Isabel Allende
The Princess Bride William Goldman
If you ask me tomorrow, I would have four different texts.

What is the darkest fairy tale you’ve read.

Donkey Skin and its variants on the same theme.

That last one left me puzzled. After Angela had gone I made several enquiries and enjoyed a
short story . It lightened the mood and left me convinced we'd hear more of Angela Rega, her words and wayward mind. But now I had a job to do and a place to find: Bleeding Heart Square.

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