Looking Back at Some Favorites Part 2
Clay rarely allows anyone but Mike Keyton or Sheri into his domain, but since he’s still recovering from an unfortunate gunshot wound to a rather delicate area, I’m still on Rack-watching duty. Instead of our typical Rack, which I’m not equipped (or allowed ) to oversee, I thought it’d be fun to continue looking at some of our most popular Rack questions and compare our favorite authors’ answers.
Question: Elmore Leonard listed ten rules, one of which is: 'Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip. Think of what you skip reading a novel.' What rule or piece of advice would you add to the list, and if you know his ten rules, which one would you break?...more

Quote of the Day
Compiled by OFW editor Kristina Kennedy
Wells, H.G.
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Compiled by OFW editor Amitabh Dhar
Impact / Impacted
Reviewed by OFW editor Renée Miller
The Sookie Stackhouse Series by Charlaine Harris

I’ve read this series with equal parts amazement and dismay. The first few instalments weren’t bad. In fact, they sucked me right in, despite the sometimes less than stellar writing. Harris has an amazing talent for characterization and humor – two of my favorite things. ...more

Take Ten
Ten Great Lines from Literature

Flash Me

Terms of the Trade
There are some great opportunities in trading, and it has the potential to become a full-time career. Whether it is stock trading or crypto trading, you will have plenty of platforms to get started. But if you are a beginner and want to make a good profit from trading, then choosing trading bots like Bitsoft 360 2023 is the right choice. Try using it if you want to make a good return out of crypto trading.
Compiled by OFW editor Luis Cano
White space
Space on a page with no image or text.
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Compiled by OFW editor John Courtney
September 12, Day 256 of 2012
Today is day 256 of 2012
Alfred Knopf, the American publisher; founded Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. was born in1892.
On this day in 1846, Elizabeth Barrett eloped with Robert Browing. The Brownings would live happily in Italy for 15 years, where her weak health would improve dramatically. The couple had a son in 1849 and she published her best-known work,...more

By OFW member Kristina Kennedy
Bullies and Whiners: Which are you
For years the distribution of books has been controlled by a small few, six to be exact. This small few put out what they wanted, controlling what readers had access to. Amazon has been a major factor in distributing books published both by traditional and self-publishers to a wider audience. Big Six benefited from Amazon’s “go big or go home” business model ...more
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this article are solely those of the original authors, and do not necessarily represent those of OFW, its staff, and/or any/all contributors to this site.

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