Word Archives
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 16, 2013
Void of feeling; free from passion; unresponsive; insensible.
Since his still exploded, Granddad has been apathetic.
Apathetic. Adj.
Void of feeling; free from passion; unresponsive; insensible.
Since his still exploded, Granddad has been apathetic.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 15, 2013
Coalesce Verb
To come together and form a group or a single unit; to unite or fuse.
The work of months will coalesce into a successful event.
Coalesce Verb
To come together and form a group or a single unit; to unite or fuse.
The work of months will coalesce into a successful event.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 14, 2013
1. The pupa state of certain insects, esp. of butterflies, from which the perfect insect emerges.
Chrysalis Noun
1. The pupa state of certain insects, esp. of butterflies, from which the perfect insect emerges.
2. The hard case or protective covering in which this happens.
Susan will emerge from her puppy chrysalis as one hell of a woman.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 13, 2013
A Fine dress fabric, made of the delicate wool found beneath the hair of Cashmere goats in Tibet and the Himalayas.
Her Cashmere shawl is to die for.
A Fine dress fabric, made of the delicate wool found beneath the hair of Cashmere goats in Tibet and the Himalayas.
Her Cashmere shawl is to die for.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 12, 2013
Sorrowful, downcast, looking sad.
Her woebegone face broke John’s heart.
Woebegone Adj
Sorrowful, downcast, looking sad.
Her woebegone face broke John’s heart.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 11, 2013
Untoward Adj
Inconvenient; troublesome; unmanageable; unseemly; inappropriate.
Froward; perverse; refractory; not easily guided or taught.
Nothing untoward should happen during your mother’s visit.
Untoward Adj
Inconvenient; troublesome; unmanageable; unseemly; inappropriate.
Froward; perverse; refractory; not easily guided or taught.
Nothing untoward should happen during your mother’s visit.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 10, 2013
Scintilla Noun
There isn’t a scintilla of evidence in support of the plaintiff's claim.
Scintilla Noun
A spark or very small thing; a tiny bit of something; the least particle; an iota; the smallest trace.
There isn’t a scintilla of evidence in support of the plaintiff's claim.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 09, 2013
Panoply Noun
Panoply Noun
1. An extensive or impressive collection.
2. A splendid display.
3. A complete suit of armor.
Mrs. Ramirez greeted the cops with a deliciously inventive panoply of insults.
Complied by OFW editor:
Donna Johnson
Publish Date: September 08, 2013
Panacea Noun
A solution for all problems. A remedy for all diseases; a universal medicine; a cure-all; catholicon; hence, a relief or solace for affliction.
Chocolate may not be a panacea but it certainly helps.
Panacea Noun
A solution for all problems. A remedy for all diseases; a universal medicine; a cure-all; catholicon; hence, a relief or solace for affliction.
Chocolate may not be a panacea but it certainly helps.